Announcing Our newest DT Member Betty!!
Posted: Friday, June 25, 2010 by WARD Digis in
More information on Betty
My name is Betty Schaub and on the web I go by ZacksNana. I am 50+ y.o. card maker/crafter. I’ve been creating cards since my family purchased our first computer in 1985.
My style: hmmm, if I had to say I have one, I would think it’s sometimes over done and sometimes understated. I love all things tiny and shiny and bright. I love the color green – all shades, so you’ll see a lot of it in my designs.
I am currently on 2 other design teams; Jazzy’s Paper Designs and SoftPencil’s Digital Images Design team. I also play along on the 1st and the 3rd Tuesdays of each month in the Texas Tues-Step Texas themed challenges as one of Libby’s posse. I run my own card sketch group on Yahoo called CardSketchesByZacksNana. I also monitor and post Cuttlebug-ers Challenges at PaperCraftPlanet.
I enjoy working with both rubber/acrylic and digital. I think in some aspects I prefer the digis because I don’t have to find room to store them in my cramped little office/craft space and I can resize, add to, take away from however I need to make the card work. I love acrylics too though and I use them as often in my cards as I do digitals.
I married to the love of my life 33 years ago this coming December. We have 2 grown daughters; Holli & Jessi and one shining star of a grandson, Zackary, hence the ZacksNana moniker. I live in north central Texas where it is HOT, HOT, HOT!
I create something every day! I create cards for our troops and send them on to an up-line in KS. I try to help promote friend’s charities when/where I can. If there’s some thing you see on my blog that you love and want to try, well just zip me an e-mail. My addy is in the sidebar on my blog.
I’d like to thank Ms. Lena for inviting me to join the design team at Ward’s Digis. I know this will be a lot of fun and present some challenge too along the way.
Thanks to Anthony for his wonderful creativity. I am looking forward to playing with more of his images!!!
T%dles Peeps!
Betty aka ZacksNana
Scrapped Into A Friendzy
Hi Yall! Well, I just wanted to again Thank Anthony and Ms Lena for the invite.
I've been busy since my induction and I just wanted to share my latest creation using Ward's Digis.
Check out
I'll be seeing you!
T%dles Peeps!
Betty aka ZacksNana